Return & Refund

We're here to help you!
1- What's your return policy?

We offer the option of returning the goods within 14 days of delivery. The product must be in its original state. The element (s) must not be used in any way. We cannot accept returns that do not meet the above requirements. We provide a full refund (price of the commodity except for the original freight cost).

2- How can I return my order?

Always call our client service on
Before returning any product, no matter why.

3- Is the return free?

When you return your order, we'll pay the entire price of the product if the problem is from the brand.
But if the problem is from the client, it'll be at his own expense.

4- When am I gonna get my money back?

the goods are received, your money will be recovered (the price of the goods). Cannot load

The responsibility for losing your shipment while it's being transported to our warehouses. We recommend the use of the registered mail service to return elements and maintain tracking information.

5- Where did he send my returns?

When we receive your request to return one of the elements, we will send you a direct e-mail containing the address you want to send the elements to.

6-How long does it take to process the returns?

We aim to address the returns as soon as possible. If the return starts, we'll do our best to respond within 24 hours.